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Interview: J. Stanton on the LLVLC show with Jimmy Moore
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November 5, 2013
9:01 pm

[This is another message from a sockpuppet of the person who has posted as EatLessMoveMoore, Melissa, Evelyn, rich, Carole, Charles, CarbSanity, and CarbSeine -JS]

Kurt's gone because he had Jimmy's number and no one would listen to him (follow the $, ya'll). Richard Nikoley, who I consider an otherwise loathsome individual, is to be commended for calling Jimbo out – even if not by name. And to all you paleo peeps – face it, the guy killed your movement. To allow a born-again creationist to play kingmaker and appear on your panels and at your events…would be, like, totally hilarious if it weren't so sad.

November 6, 2013
5:33 am
Forum Posts: 2045
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February 22, 2010
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You're welcome to comment, but you are not welcome to spam me with sockpuppets.

Choose one name and comment under that -- or you will become the first person at to have their posts moderated.  I've gone for years without having to moderate anyone: please don't be so rude as to become the first.

(A note for my readers: all the above names are used by the same person, who is pretending that they're multiple people.  The technical term is "sockpuppet".)


November 6, 2013
7:43 am

J., "Carole" is "Charles" and this individual also slams Jimmy under the names "Christopher", "EatLessMoveMoore", and many others.

I guess his weirdo hobby is to create the illusion that there's an army of people who are up in arms about Moore, when it's really just him, Evelyn & Melissa.

November 6, 2013
7:45 am

Whoops, sorry, when I reloaded the cache I saw that you'd caught that they were the same person.

November 6, 2013
8:01 am
Forum Posts: 2045
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February 22, 2010
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I'm all over it.


November 6, 2013
5:02 pm

Does any of this change the fact that JM is a total tool who's making a joke out of LC/Paleo? Seriously?

November 6, 2013
8:08 pm

Thanks for the response on keto-adaptation vs. low carb flu.

After getting through my low-carb flu, I haven't had any issue with bouncing around carb levels periodically. In other words, I don't have to go through low-carb flu again if I eat higher carb while on vacation for a week or around Christmas when I indulge in some treats for a week or two. Is there a general time-limit to how long you can venture into higher carb eating again without losing the adaptation?

With regards to ketosis, if you force your body to keto-adapt over the course of a month or two, does it retain that adaptation even when you start eating more carbs again? If so, for how long?

I guess I'm just wondering how flexible one can make one's metabolism.

November 6, 2013
11:21 pm

Charles -
OMGAWD. You do this all over the internets? All this time I thought you were my special troll and we had something meaningful.
Turn around, open the door to your house, look on the countertop. You left your 10mg of zyprexa there again.

Helpfully yours,

November 7, 2013
7:05 am
November 7, 2013
3:58 pm

And meanwhile, JM continues to run amok - and everyone outside of the 'Paleosphere' laughs at us (including you, Wooo, who is allowing this individual to co-opt otherwise useful things like ketogenic diets. He is, after all, writing a book called, 'Keto Clarity'. Sure sounds like he's Mr. Low Carb to me....).

November 9, 2013
6:39 am

Evelyn: "...Dr. Kurt Harris..."

Wait, his opinions are important because...? As far as I know he never had any weight or health problems of his own (besides his attitude/ego issues but that's his mind not his body) and he never was in a professional position where he had to help people who had weight or health problems. He may have a Dr. before his name and he can post whatever he wants I don't care but I doubt he actually helped someone get leaner and healthier. I don't understand why he's considered a reference we ought to consult or something.

November 9, 2013
7:06 am

By the way I'm so glad I'm reading 1/10 of the blogs I used to read nowadays: it gives me more free time to do useful things and it spares me this whole useless health blogs scene attention whores/ego masturbation drama. Is it really that complicated to publish non-emotional neutral criticism and not use the opportunity to do self-promotion or push for an agenda?

When I read articles I want to read something informative and useful and that's why I keep coming back here. Thank you for writing about stuff that matters.

November 9, 2013
7:21 pm

@"rich" All these strident assertions, personal attacks and emotional ranting aren't accomplishing anything beyond making you feel good about yourself. You cannot annoy people into agreeing with you.

@J.Stanton Thanks, I'll do that.

November 10, 2013
12:03 am

I think it's unlikely that this individual likes himself.

It's not a behavior likely to lead to self-esteem.

November 15, 2013
3:45 am
Forum Posts: 2045
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February 22, 2010
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Your experience is typical: if you've regained your metabolic flexibility, it's possible to eat a wide variety of diets without penalty.

I don't know how much dietary abuse it takes to lose met flex...I suspect it's a function of (epi)genetic susceptibility and how broken you were before.

As far as keto-adaption, I have little experience with it, so I can't offer any useful input.



"Is it really that complicated to publish non-emotional neutral criticism and not use the opportunity to do self-promotion or push for an agenda?"

I'm glad you appreciate what I do!  No, it's not complicated -- but it doesn't make money nearly as efficiently as provocation marketing and straight-up hucksterism.  My attempts to remain neutral and objective cost me a lot of money -- money that sales of The Gnoll Credo don't nearly make up for.



"You cannot annoy people into agreeing with you."  Ha! 



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