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Why Are We Hungry? Part 1: What Is Hunger? Liking Vs. Wanting, Satiation Vs. Satiety
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August 31, 2011
9:17 am
Our human polycultur

[...] my bone stock. This diet has done for Kevin what whole foods and being able to feel my own hungers, which came from reading about the difference between sating and satiating, have done for me. He was like me, also a “Clean Plate Club” member, and now has become [...]

September 7, 2011
10:46 pm
Hunger « Read
September 9, 2011
11:26 pm
Why Are We Hungry? P

[...] Why Are We Hungry? Part I: What Is Hunger? Liking Vs. Wanting, Satiation Vs. Satiety September 10, 2011By: J. Stanton Read the Full Post at: GNOLLS.ORG [...]

September 10, 2011
11:39 am
Jen - Personal Train

I also think it's important to get clarity about the differences. But although this makes it easier to understand what hunger is and why most of us are "hungry" almost all the time, it is still hard to overcome lifelong habits to be able to make a transition.

September 12, 2011
1:09 am
Lose weight problem

[...] (that they are unable to burn off through exercise) down. What's important is understanding WHY ARE WE HUNGRY and WHAT ENABLES US TO BURN STORED CALORIES? We have a built in system that enables us to switch [...]

September 15, 2011
6:39 am
Аватар и Боен клуб н

[...] един човек, който добре обяснява какво значи да си сит и какво значи да си изял [...]

September 15, 2011
11:32 pm
Forum Posts: 2045
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February 22, 2010
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Absolutely.  But once we're off the dime, we can make smart choices that leave us less hungry and more satisfied.


October 7, 2011
4:15 pm

" it is still hard to overcome lifelong habits to be able to make a transition"

I have only been eating this way for a week. I didn't eat terribly poorly before, just not specifically high fat and low carb. I had reached a point where my constant hunger was so unquenchable I was willing to try anything. So I decided to try high fat low carb.

I've felt strange all week. This afternnon I was sitting in the sun, it was after lunch. For the 5th day in a row I didn't eat any lunch and didn't want any lunch. I was suddenly aware that my mind had nothing to do. No hunger to think about, no foreplanning for how I was going to get food if I got hungry. No preoccupation with food in any way. Nothing. I felt sort of lost. What am I supposed to think about?

I suppose my constant hunger has given me an eating disorder of sorts because I feel like an addict who lost the stimulous for the drug but has nothing to take its place. Has anyone written about this? Maybe this is branching too far into psychology to be a topic for the paleo folks, but it seems like an interesting topic.

October 7, 2011
7:43 pm
Forum Posts: 2045
Member Since:
February 22, 2010
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline


No, you're not alone.

I hear this from a lot of people...they spend most of their time thinking about food, getting or preparing food, in a state of "food coma", or being hungry for food. It's very liberating when you realize that food no longer runs your life...but suddenly you find yourself at loose ends.

Now what?

There's very likely to be a list of things you've always wanted to do, but never did because you didn't have time.  Well, now you do!  So it might be time to step back and do a short evaluation: make a list over the next few days, and then decide which of those long-deferred goals and dreams you could pursue with your new-found time and energy.

Hope this helps!  Keep us posted.


October 11, 2011
12:45 pm
Sample Paleo Meal &l

[...] modified foods that feel good feeling that all processed) -Fresh and gatherers hundreds of veggies and from the paleo dinner or even daily Paleo meals sample paleo meal overview see the amazing number of people in the US get [...]

October 13, 2011
1:45 pm
Sample Paleo Meal &l

[...] modified foods that feel good feeling that all processed) -Fresh and gatherers hundreds of veggies and from the paleo dinner or even daily Paleo meals sample paleo meal overview see the amazing number of people in the US get [...]

November 24, 2011
5:28 am
Too little salt bad

[...] recently read an interesting comment (I think at GNOLLS.ORG) that: life on this planet arose in the sea and we never really left it... we carry it in all our [...]

December 10, 2011
2:27 am
The rise of hunger –

[...] and insulin drives obesity, I think people eat because they’re hungry due to nutrient deficiency. Stanton has solidly woven together all three viewpoints in an excellent series, so well in fact, there’s [...]

January 4, 2012
8:41 pm
1 or 2 meals a day,

[...] leaves me as satiated as the aforementioned large meal of muscle meat does. J. Stanton wrote an interesting series of articles regarding hunger, satiety and satiation. Reply With Quote   + Reply to [...]

January 6, 2012
2:46 pm
Out of My Inbox: Vit

[...] a different note, I wanted to ask you guys if you had read any of the stuff from  ( Very intriguing stuff.  In the series on hunger, satiety, satiation, etc. in particular he [...]

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