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Better Health: It's Less Complicated Than You Think
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June 22, 2012
6:23 am
sunil basharat

which is better pure coconut oil or ghee for cooking eggs.

June 22, 2012
3:46 pm
Halifax, UK
Forum Posts: 364
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June 5, 2011
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Personally, I go for butter. For purity, ghee. Coconut oil taste a bit "wet" with eggs.

They're both good fats - either will do. As a cook, butter/ghee tastes better.

Living in the Ice Age

June 23, 2012
2:26 pm
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Mike k:

1. Salt isn't a big deal: your kidneys will excrete whatever you don't need.  

Furthermore, in reality, the main source of salt in our diet is prepackaged and processed foods (and restaurant entrees), which are usually full of salt that we don't even notice.  If you're eating like a predator and preparing most of your own meals, you'll only be adding salt to dishes which actually need it, and your salt intake will very likely drop substantially.

Between these two facts, I don't worry about it one way or the other.

2. Eat fruit after your meal -- it's dessert.  In general, eat your protein first, then your veggies, then your starch.  (Although it's fine to have them all mixed together...just don't start with the fruit or the starch.)

3. Marrow bones are great!

4. Frozen fish is fine if you don't mind the taste.

5. The ALA in flaxseed oil is very poorly converted to the DHA your body needs.  Instead, I recommend consuming fatty fish 2-3x/week, or taking fish oil.


I avoid beans in general.  

That being said, the occasional serving of dal can be delicious, and it certainly won't kill you...but meat, fish, and eggs are superior sources of protein, vegetables are superior sources of nutrients, and root vegetables are superior sources of starch.

Coconut oil or ghee?  Either one is great!  Paul prefers ghee, but several other people I know prefer coconut oil.  I use both depending on my mood.


December 4, 2012
5:48 am

I need to add some things to the discussion with kaa:

"As to the first question, it seems clear to me that the range of variation is *wide*. Are you going to claim that no one will do fine (that is, lead a long a healthy life) on a high-carb diet with lots of grain? Go look at Asia."

Oxfam would dispute that billions of people eating little but rice have adapted and are doing nicely for it. Given a financial choice, all of these people would substitute higher-nutrition foods, including as much animal product as they can afford.

I would class that presupposition as an "extraordinary claim" that would require a lot of evidence across different countries, cultures, and economic classes.

Also it is important to keep in mind that regional diets vary a lot. There is no such thing as a monolithic "healthy Asian diet" except in the mind of someone ignorant of how Asians normally eat in various countries and regions.

Japan is a poor example of a typical Asian country in many ways. As it is wealthier, the population has much better access to a variety of quality food than other Asian countries.

But the traditional Japanese diet, which many revere and consider has spiritual properties, is boiled white rice, miso soup, and salty pickles, with fresh vegetables only in season and animal products only in tiny amounts. For decades the Japanese government has been trying to get the population to eat more like Okinawans, whose diet is heavy in animal products and vegetables, in order to reduce strokes and osteoporosis that generally have meant most elderly people are bedridden.

December 17, 2012
2:56 am
Forum Posts: 2045
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February 22, 2010
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Good points.  Also there is a difference between "we're skinny because we can't afford to be fat" and "our diet is healthy".  Japan after WWII was nearly a famine situation...anyone who's been there has noticed that the older people are, the shorter they are .  Any population which is so hungry that its height has been stunted isn't the example to emulate.


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