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Efficiency vs. Intelligence = Specialist vs. Generalist, or How Glaciers Might Have Made Us Human
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November 13, 2010
8:32 pm
Forum Posts: 2045
Member Since:
February 22, 2010
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From an email discussion:

> I was attempting to posit that energy efficiency may be an easier rule to widely apply
> than intelligence.

Efficiency is a good metric, but it encompasses a lot more than just intelligence. Aphids might be extremely efficient in obtaining food, but that doesn't mean they are extremely intelligent.

In fact, intelligence is remarkably inefficient, because it devotes metabolic energy to the ability to solve all sorts of problems, of which the overwhelming majority will never arise. This is the specialist/generalist dichotomy. Specialists do best in times of no change or slow change, where they can be…

March 23, 2011
9:40 am
Klimatet som orsak t

[...] post är starkt influerad av detta inlägg om effektivitet kontra intelligens. 59.293283 [...]

July 3, 2011
7:40 am
Just What is the Pal

[...] made the point before that general-purpose intelligence is selected for during times of change, which basically defines the ent...…a repeating cycle of glaciation and warming that caused sea levels to fluctuate by over 150 feet [...]

October 11, 2011
4:32 pm
Γιατί οι άνθρωποι λι

[...] [...]

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