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The Overachiever's Week Off: Why Bother With Paleo? A Quick Book Review, Food Reward, and More
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July 9, 2011
7:11 pm

RE: Paul Halliday

Yes, that's what we should call seed oils. Diesel fuel. Perfect.

"Thou shall not fry thy food in diesel oil, nor the food of any in thy house or that of your servants or any of your guests or customers."

July 12, 2011
12:12 am
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Absolutely!  It's even worse when you realize how seed oils are made.  

I coined that phrase in Eat Like A Predator ("Eat food, not diesel fuel"…"If you can put it in a truck and the truck starts, it's not food") and I hope it continues to spread.  Maybe we need to work on the Paleo Ten Commandments...?


July 12, 2011
10:15 am
Halifax, UK
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Paleo Commandments? Does paleo need a constitution? The Primal Blueprint and Archevore have their 10 or 12. You already got it down to 2:

  • Eating foods that best support the biochemistry of human animals with a multi-million year history of hunting and foraging, primarily on the African savanna.
  • Avoiding foods, such as grains, grain oils, and refined sweeteners, that actively disrupt the biochemistry of these human animals.

A third one around activity is useful, so an "Holy Trinity" of Paleo?

In fact, if you compressed the above two into one about (1) food and water, and made up a second one around (2) activity and rest, I think you'd have paleo lifestyle in a nutshell. Everyone can count to two.

Living in the Ice Age

July 13, 2011
3:07 am
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Sure, it's nerga: but it would be purely for the humor value.  "Thou shalt have no other foods before meat."

As far as activity, I'll have to think about that.


July 13, 2011
2:19 pm
Halifax, UK
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Thou shalt not covet thy junk fed colleagues' liver

Living in the Ice Age

February 13, 2013
5:36 pm

Hi, what is the difference between a vegetable, seed & grain? In depth I mean. Are all grains seeds? Is corn ever a vegetable? Does paleo mean ringing the seeds off my red peppers? Lol nit picking I know. Thanks

February 15, 2013
2:34 am
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A "grain" is a grass of the family Poaceae, cultivated for its seeds.  So all grains are seeds, but not all seeds are grains.

"Vegetable" is a culinary term, not a precise botanical term.  That said, it's usually understood to refer to any edible part of a plant that isn't a fruit or a seed.

Corn isn't a vegetable: it's a seed.

And I see no problem with pepper seeds as a spice...I would have a hard time making chili without them!


June 13, 2013
8:29 am

I have really wanted to go paleo now for a while but a few things get in my way within the first week or even days, firstly, eating alot of vegetables and moderating fruit. I cannot stand and vegetables except cooked canned carrots and I love most fruits. Sencondly, I am on a very tight budget as I dont make very much and I support my wife and two children, whom by the way swear on junk food and on top of that junk food is always cheaper than healthy foods, ive attempted a couple time to message mark sisson from primal blueprint about my issues and never got a response, so I'd really appreciate any help on the matter to know what to eat that fits my life not only for sheer weight loss but for improved overall health! Thanks for any help.

June 30, 2013
4:14 pm
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My apologies for missing your question: this is a very old article and I didn't see it until now.

Anyway, don't stress about vegetable intake. If you hate them, don't eat them! I suspect you'll find, over time, that your appetite for them starts to come back once you're not filling yourself up with bread and starch. And keep in mind that just about anything tastes delicious with homemade Caesar or Hollandaise dressing on it -- even a salad.

Whole fruit is fine in moderation, but stay away from fruit juice, dried fruit, and any processed fruit snacks.

If you're on a serious budget, you'll probably need to shop supermarket meats vs. grass-fed. The key to buying meat is to watch for sales and buy a bunch for your freezer when a really good price comes up. Example: tri-tip is normally $7.50-8.00 per pound where I live, but occasionally it goes on sale for $4. Often stores will put out their shop trim as hamburger late in the day and price it very cheaply...sometimes 99c/pound! Chicken thighs are normally $2/pound but go on sale for $1 every so often. Ask the guy at your local meat counter what the best deals are...if you tell them you want to buy more meat but your family is on a tight budget, they'll usually help out.

Eggs are cheap, so no problem there. Potatoes are nearly free when bought in 10-20# bags, and 20# bags of rice are too. What's expensive are processed grain-based foods like cereal, bread, cookies, chips and the math for how much they cost per calorie, and you'll be surprised to find that hamburger is cheaper! Same with soda...when you're only drinking water, you'll realize how much money you're spending on soda, juices, and other junk.

As far as "exactly what should I eat", my advice remains the same: Eat Like A Predator.

Hope this helps!


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