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I Am A Ghrelin Addict
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July 23, 2010
1:02 am
Forum Posts: 2045
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February 22, 2010
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I am a ghrelin addict.

Ghrelin is a hunger hormone. Your body secretes it when you haven't eaten for some time. It makes you hungry, and blood levels plummet once you eat.

Yet ghrelin is so much more than hunger.

Ghrelin is neurotrophic. It enhances learning and memory -- in fact, it is "essential for cognitive adaptation to changing environments and the process of learning."
Ghrelin stimulates the secretion of growth hormone.
Ghrelin increases cardiac output.
Ghrelin increases the concentration of dopamine in the substantia nigra, the brain's center of reward and addiction.
That is why ghrelin is a rush.

Ghrelin is why hunger motivates…

December 29, 2010
11:50 am

Great article. I find that I need to be mildly hungry to perform at my best too.

January 19, 2011
12:57 pm

I think a lot of the Paleo community is becoming addicted to ghrelin. Intermittent fasting has grown greatly over the last year.

April 17, 2011
10:03 pm
links for 2011-04-17

[...] I Am A Ghrelin Addict – GNOLLS.ORG Apparently ghrelin or "being hungry" makes us smarter and better for a little moments. Uhmmnn…. (tags: ghrelin addiction good health creativity power) [...]

April 25, 2011
10:55 pm
042611 – Tuesd

[...] American Diet) are over, you’re feeling more energetic—and thinking more clearly due to the action of ghrelin, now that being hungry doesn’t just make you cranky and [...]

May 3, 2011
9:12 pm
Peggy the Primal Par

I never really thought I'd read a scientific article verifying my addiction to hunger. I've heard of great Japanese warriors self inflicting life-long near starvation and, while that's reassuring, I haven't heard the same of intellectuals. I'm just aware of my body and notice that I am both more physically energetic and mentally acute when I'm hungry. I never connected that rush to ghrelin. Thanks for the insight. I am not anorexic either. I eat plenty of high fat foods every day but I just enjoy skipping meals quite frequently too. I suppose between that and low carb I stay pretty thin.

May 4, 2011
11:49 am
Forum Posts: 2045
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February 22, 2010
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It's nice to be able to function at such a high level, for so long, without crashing, isn't it?

The great part is that since I wrote this article I've become much more attentive to my diet (high-fat paleo/primal, like you), and I can last a lot longer.  And I don't think my calorie intake has gone down, much...I eat epic meals when I finally do break my fast.

I loved your anecdote "Bacon Makes You Fat??!!", by the way.


May 6, 2011
8:52 am

Yeah, I wouldn't say my caloric intake has gone down either. I have days when I seem to be making up for lost time and then other days where I'm just not into eating. It evens out, I think.

I'm glad you liked that story. It's sad but true, and a little bit funny. 😉

June 18, 2011
3:16 am
Paul Lee

Managed to find this site doing a search for "beta oxidation." It really is an excellent resource. Of course I have been familiar with Paleo eating and have been a "low carber" for some time but thanks for explaining the role of Ghrelin in a completely different way. I'd always considered it a bit of a PITA hormone, serving no good purpose really, but reading your post, will make me relish this little hormone!

June 19, 2011
12:03 am

The article gave me a much needed change of perspective on fasting - a kick up the **** to get I.F.-ing again! Thank you

June 19, 2011
11:28 pm
Forum Posts: 2045
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February 22, 2010
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Yes, ghrelin most definitely exists for a very good's not just trying to make you fat.  It's trying to make you get off your butt and go spear a mammoth.  Unfortunately that motivation tends to get short-circuited, in modern times, by the refrigerator or Taco Bell.


It's worth it.


June 24, 2011
1:17 pm
Diet For Health &amp

[...] while at the same time makes us ready for action. J. Stanton reveals the brighter side of ghrelin in this short [...]

September 15, 2011
4:27 am

I watched a movie about an artist- a starving artist, but not because he did not make money. He said something that makes more and more sense to me: a painter must be hungry to create art.

Now, I never start a painting on a full stomach. I never solved a problem in a painting on a full stomach.

You have to be a bit miserable, a bit driven, so art can work.

September 16, 2011
12:19 am
Forum Posts: 2045
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February 22, 2010
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Many people have come to this realization instinctively, but it's very interesting to know the biochemistry.  At least I think so!

It's also interesting when a metaphor crosses back into literal truth.


November 19, 2011
11:01 am
Kathy Schneider

As far as learning goes, Ghrelin also acts on the hippocampus to enhance learning.

November 23, 2011
7:00 am
Bruun's Titting

[...] this should be of interest to you since you're in school: I Am A Ghrelin Addict - GNOLLS.ORG __________________ That part of me left yesterday The heart of me is strong today No regrets I'm [...]

November 23, 2011
8:50 pm
Indifference, I thin

[...] but since you're our bac-taker that's in school, you might find this interesting. Every bit helps. I Am A Ghrelin Addict - GNOLLS.ORG __________________ That part of me left yesterday The heart of me is strong today No regrets I'm [...]

November 25, 2011
1:39 pm

Me too!! I'm glad to get a little better understanding of the reason behind the extra focus and motivation. Interesting read! Thanks!

November 25, 2011
9:25 pm
Indifference, I thin

[...] but since you're our bac-taker that's in school, you might find this interesting. Every bit helps. I Am A Ghrelin Addict - GNOLLS.ORG __________________ Still fighting the good [...]

November 27, 2011
4:22 pm
Portland, OR
Forum Posts: 16
Member Since:
October 7, 2011
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

J. Stanton said:


Yes, ghrelin most definitely exists for a very good's not just trying to make you fat.  It's trying to make you get off your butt and go spear a mammoth.  Unfortunately that motivation tends to get short-circuited, in modern times, by the refrigerator or Taco Bell.


It's worth it.


that damn Taco Bell...
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