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Mouth/ gum pain
February 25, 2013
9:55 am
Forum Posts: 10
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February 15, 2013
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I've read quite a bit about low carb flu and withdrawl symptoms of different kinds. I have experienced constipation and extremely bad headaches that seem to come from horrible pain in my gums. I have searched and haven't been able to find anyone with gum pain from cutting carbs. I went cold turkey which I am second guessing at this point. I have little to no energy and my gum pain is keeping me up at night. My gums hurt all over so it isn't a case of a cavity. Any wisdom would be appreciated.

February 25, 2013
12:02 pm
Forum Posts: 2045
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February 22, 2010
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That's a new one I hadn't heard before.  Perhaps you could inventory your diet (and supplements, if any)...and your approximate calorie intake.  A lot of people find that by cutting carbs and not replacing them with anything, they're cutting calories so dramatically that the lack of energy isn't surprising at all!


February 25, 2013
12:55 pm
Forum Posts: 10
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February 15, 2013
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I am on day 5. I have had 2 eggs (with olive oil to cook with) every morning with either 5 pieces of bacon or some sausage and green peppers or a bit of spinach. My lunches have consisted of roasted chicken breast, or hamburger with some green veg. and some fruit (orange, banana, apple). My dinners have been either left overs from lunch or roast beef and more fruit. I have also eaten a small handful of almonds about twice a day. I feel that I am craving the fruit because of the sugar. My calorie intake seems to be in the 1600-1700 range (which I know is low). I am a 6'0" male 225lbs 27 years old. I ate tons of carbs and sugar before. I haven't exercised at all...I figured I needed to get used to the lack of carbs first. No supplements by the way. The headaches/ mouth pain have been here since day 3 and seem to get worse at night.

February 27, 2013
12:30 am
Forum Posts: 2045
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February 22, 2010
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1600-1700 calories is very low for someone your're finding what many people do, which is that VLC foods leave you with very little appetite.  You'll be losing weight quickly, but you'll also tank your energy levels.

You might try a tablespoon of coconut oil (or MCT oil, if you can get it) when you feel the low-energy state coming on.  Also, you're flushing out a lot of water since you're VLC, and thereby losing a lot of electrolytes...consuming LOTS of salt for a while is worth a try, and might help with the pain and headaches (hat tip to Michael Eades).

Also, are you sure you're constipated (painful poops), or are you just pooping less?  Because you're eating a very low-residue diet, which means you won't need to poop as often as before.  Though if you're genuinely constipated, magnesium citrate will usually move things right along, as well as being good for you.

Zero exercise isn't good...don't kill yourself, but making sure you get some solid walking time in each day will probably help.

(Disclaimer as per left sidebar, etc.)


March 5, 2013
1:06 pm
Forum Posts: 10
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February 15, 2013
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Thanks for the tips. My pain is gone and energy levels are on the right track. I have a few questions about meat. I buy my meat at The Fresh Market. It is grain fed. Do I absolutely have to eat grass fed beef? I'm not really sure where to buy grass fed. I also buy my fish from there...salmon, tilapia, and flounder. Do you suggest any 1 fish over the others? Also, should I try to limit chicken and pork and eat more beef and lamb for the added fat? I thoroughly enjoy my bacon or sausage in the mornings (with omega-3 enriched eggs). Thanks!

March 6, 2013
4:31 am
Forum Posts: 37
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September 20, 2012
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Cows don't digest grain well, that's why they need to put antibiotics in their feed and slaughter them early.  It's a race against the cow dying.  Cows generally have no problems eating grass/dried grass. may be able to point you towards some grass-fed beef farmers in your area, it's generally cheaper to buy from the farmer/processor than to buy from a retail store.


I choose to only purchase wild caught fish/seafood.  (a lot of farmed fish and shrimp are fed soy.  I don't think soy beans grow in the ocean).  Monterey Bay Aquarium has a list of sustainably/non sustainably caught seafood/fish.  If I ate more fish, I'd probably do more research on mercury content.  I eat it rarely.

March 7, 2013
3:48 pm
Halifax, UK
Forum Posts: 364
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June 5, 2011
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... are you grinding your teeth? Stress?

Living in the Ice Age

March 8, 2013
9:26 am
Forum Posts: 10
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February 15, 2013
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It's possible, but I've never had that problem before.

March 8, 2013
11:00 am
Halifax, UK
Forum Posts: 364
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June 5, 2011
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I missed the fishy question above ... I'm a big fish eater!

Variety is the key. Some white fish, some fatty. Primal eating is not about finding one perfect meal and repeating it over and over ... keep your body primed by feeding it variety. Great that you eat fish, so aim for at least one white fish meal, one with salmon and one really oily fish meal a week. Get your shellfish, too.

Living in the Ice Age

March 8, 2013
12:46 pm
Forum Posts: 10
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February 15, 2013
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What do you suggest as far as oily fish? Do you take fish oil or do you get enough omega 3 from your diet?

March 10, 2013
11:17 am
Forum Posts: 2045
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February 22, 2010
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The difference between supermarket beef and grass-fed beef is meaningful...but it's important not to let the best be the enemy of the good.  A diet of supermarket beef is much better than a diet of supermarket birdseed.

Note that ruminants (cattle, sheep, goats, etc.) are much better at detoxifying grains for us than pigs or chickens...supermarket chicken and pork is much less healthy than supermarket beef.

I agree with Paul Jaminet that the first thing to upgrade from standard supermarket fare is eggs, from free-range chickens.  Not "cage-free" or other meaningless marketing terms...eggs from chickens that actually forage for bugs, grubs, and seeds, also known as "farm eggs". and can help you find local sources of eggs, meat, produce, etc.

In general, there will be more health benefits from the fattier fish (salmon, mackerel, anchovies, etc.) and from shellfish (mussels, oysters, etc.)  I try to get most of my n-3 fats from fish, but I do take fish oil when I haven't eaten any fish for a couple days, or have been consuming a lot of n-6 (usually from eating out).


March 11, 2013
10:30 am
Forum Posts: 10
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February 15, 2013
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Thank you for the insight. I have/ will have plenty of other questions for you. I enjoy your articles and tend to agree with your take on fatty meats as opposed to the "lean is better" view of many paleo bloggers. What is the best way to contact you without posting a topic?

March 14, 2013
10:50 pm
Forum Posts: 2045
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February 22, 2010
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Use the "Contact" link in the menu bar...though I prefer you post your questions here unless it's something private or embarrassing, so others can gain the benefit of my response.


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