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Nebie to Gnoll
September 26, 2012
8:07 am
Madison, WI, USA
Forum Posts: 75
Member Since:
September 24, 2012
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Hi there,


Although I've not yet read all of TGC (just the first 20 pages on the site), I've been following the blog posts for some time.  Thank you J. Stanton, the posts are easy to understand and I have learned so much from them, especially on what hunger really is and why it happens.


I found via Free the Animal several months ago.  I'd already been some form of Paleo for over 2 years (going on 3), but several concepts really hit home after ready much of  your blog posts.  In the beginning of my journey in 2010, I was 225 lbs on a 5'1" frame and suffering from mild depression.  I had also started developing seizures around the age of 21 (I'm 29 going on 30 now).  I didn't have many, maybe only 1 episode a year, but  had them nevertheless.  I'm now convinced it was due to gluten sensitivity/intolerance as all my original labs/tests came back "normal" at the time (around 2003 or 2004).  Since going Paleo, I'm down to 129, between a size 4 or 6 pants and a small shirt size.  I've also successfully, cut my seizure medication by 3/4 and been seizure free for almost 3 years.


I look forward to reading the rest of TGC when I get it, reading new blog post and continuing my journey toward optimal health.


Jen W.

"Often we forget . . . the sky reaches to the ground . . . with each step . . . we fly."  ~We Fly, The House Jacks

September 27, 2012
2:51 pm
Forum Posts: 2045
Member Since:
February 22, 2010
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Jen W:

I'm glad to hear of your success.  Depression is bad enough, but seizures are a whole new level. 

The longer I've been paleo and the more research I do, the more I'm convinced that the majority of what we call "diseases" are, in fact, just direct or indirect consequences of evolutionary discordance.

I hope you find Gryka's story as meaningful as my other readers.

Welcome home.


September 28, 2012
5:54 am
Madison, WI, USA
Forum Posts: 75
Member Since:
September 24, 2012
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline



Thank you for the warm welcome, and also a special thank you to you and Danny of Primal North for putting on a Gnollish contest in which I won a copy of TGC and a t-shirt. 


I liked the first 20 pages of TGC so much, I've copied the Credo on paper and put it on my fridge!


Yes, I too am becoming more and more convinced all modern "diseases" are just our bodies "natural" responce to our having lost touch with our evolutionary roots.  And to think it caused me quite a lot of money wasted in the form of junk food, pills, etc.!



"Often we forget . . . the sky reaches to the ground . . . with each step . . . we fly."  ~We Fly, The House Jacks

October 1, 2012
10:26 pm
Forum Posts: 2045
Member Since:
February 22, 2010
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Jen W:

So you're the lucky winner...congratulations!  Check back in once you've read it.


January 20, 2013
8:43 pm
Forum Posts: 29
Member Since:
January 5, 2013
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Hey Jen W,


I have never suffered from depression but I do have a seizure disorder.  Since I have been eating on a ketogenic protocol, I too have been able to reduce my meds while maintaining total control.


There is a whole thread about it over at the MDA forum.  I'm Paleobird over there too and the thread is called My Epilepsy Experiment.  You would be surprised at how many people with seizures there are.

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