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February 22, 2012
12:16 pm
Forum Posts: 9
Member Since:
February 22, 2012
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Hi there,


Since chancing upon Stanton's material, I am a devout follower of this way of life.  I eat exclusively organic fatty meats smothered in grass fed butter with a pallette of seasonal vegetables and a starch or two at meals.


I'm experiencing a hardship, though, that I wanted to cast light on here.  Upon waking, I am just not hungry and this period seems to balloon for 5, 6, or even 7 hours sometimes.  The last month particularly, I cannot recall feeling ravenously hungry at all.  The only reason I will eat some days is because I begin to freak about the length of time that I have last-eaten without feeling the urge to indulge.


Oddly enough, I am a powerlifter, and I rotate heavy barbell and kettlebell training very consistently in my life.  I don't ever experience sluggishness or depressed like symptoms.  My workouts are still strong, and I feel solid when I exert.


Even in the post work-out window, I can go hours and hours before I begin to feel like I need to "fill up my tank".


One thing I also do, is juice fresh organic vegetables with my steak.  (ginger, lemon, kale, cucumber, parsely, and apple)


Is it possible that my meals are so nutritent dense, that I really can go 10 - 15 hours without refueling?  This is one of the most profound, baffling experiences I've ever wrestled with in my life.


I also don't seem to be losing weight, and my body composition is robust.  I wonder about the psychological component here.  Am I psyching myself out with this whole paleo thing to where I'm shutting down my bodily impulses?


Any ideas?

February 22, 2012
12:27 pm
Forum Posts: 9
Member Since:
February 22, 2012
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

I must note that I feel the best I ever have in my life physically, and if I had to make a rough guess, I'm on about 1200 calories a day.  I'm 6'0 - 185lbs. 


I wanted to edit my first post, in that I actually rarely eat a starch with my meal.  Just grass fed organic chuck roast baptized in butter and that juice or a salad.  Am I getting enough carbs from the low-glycemic veggies?

February 22, 2012
3:35 pm
Forum Posts: 2045
Member Since:
February 22, 2010
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline


"Is it possible that my meals are so nutritent dense, that I really can go 10 – 15 hours without refueling?"

Absolutely!  Since you're not losing weight, your workouts are still solid, and your energy levels are good, what's happened is that your metabolic flexibility is sufficient to keep you running off stored energy, and your hunger has come into line with your body's nutritional needs. I'm extremely skeptical that you're only consuming 1200 kcal/day, might try running a few days through fitday in order to figure out some rough calorie counts and macronutrient compositions.

As for myself, I've noticed that I'm happy to eat the same meals almost every day...apparently they're sufficiently nourishing that my body doesn't generate any cravings for anything else.  I haven't eaten breakfast in months.  Even if I exercise or work out, I'm not hungry until I come back, and sometimes not even then.  My usual meal is a late lunch/early dinner, and perhaps a smaller supplement a few hours later (I usually end up on a 16/8 or 20/4 IF).

Juicing along with your steak is an excellent option.  I generally fix my own meals with some veggies and eat a salad, but I've never liked vegetable juices. However you like them is fine.

Are you getting "enough carbs"?  If you're a powerlifter, your carb demands likely aren't very high: low-rep powerlifting is mostly dependent on phosphocreatine.  If you start doing high-rep work or "cardio" you might find yourself needing a bit more...but it sounds like you're well enough in tune with your body to know when you're feeling sluggish.  And juicing your veggies is going to get more nutrients out of them (including starches and sugars) than simply eating them raw. 

That being said, if you're curious, go ahead and experiment!  There's no permanent commitment involved with eating a few potatoes or a batch of white rice.

What you're experiencing is, I believe, one of the biggest benefits of eating like a predator: food no longer runs your life.  How you feel now is how humans are supposed to feel.  We're so used to planning our days around the logistics and social rituals of stuffing something in our mouths every few hours, that our days feel a bit "empty" with all the extra time...but those logistics and rituals are a consequence of eating a Neolithic diet of birdseed, not our natural state of being.

Think of it as a bonus.  All that great stuff you never had time to work on?  Now you do!


March 1, 2012
1:27 pm
Forum Posts: 9
Member Since:
February 22, 2012
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Thank you very much.  I thought I had posted a reply to this.


I just wanted to express infinite gratitude for your work.  You have had a profound impact on the quality of my life and many others who have touched the lightning rod of information that is your blog.

March 1, 2012
11:29 pm
Forum Posts: 2045
Member Since:
February 22, 2010
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline


There's plenty of information out there...what's lacking is concise, cogent explanations that are inspiring instead of discouraging.  I'm doing my best to change that.

I'm glad that my work inspired you to improve your life!


(Postscript: Infinite gratitude keeps me emotionally healthy, and money helps pay my rent.  Sales of The Gnoll Credo and T-shirts increase the probability that I'll continue writing articles.)

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