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Protein Powder
February 2, 2012
8:18 pm
Forum Posts: 19
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June 26, 2011
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What are your thoughts on Protein Powders.  Dare i ask....




February 3, 2012
5:44 am
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February 22, 2010
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They're an occasional convenience for when I want to suck down a whole bunch of calories before a hard day of activity, but failed to make time to cook any real food.  I use whey protein because it's complete, bioavailable, and cheap.

There are workout protocols that claim they increase anabolism, but I'm not lifting enough right now for it to make a meaningful difference.

The problem with protein powders, like all highly processed foods, is that the nutrition that goes along with food is usually processed out.  Meat is full of vitamins, creatine, carnitine, carnosine, etc.  Protein powder is just protein.

Also, most protein powders are sweetened with sucralose (Splenda), which is bad because it does a number on your gut flora.

Summary: they're not evil, but a diet based on real food should already have plenty of protein in it.


February 3, 2012
9:35 pm
Forum Posts: 19
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June 26, 2011
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There is alot of protein powder on the market sheesh its ubelievable

whey isolate

whey concentrate

casein etc


Never know what you are getting with the cheaper stuff.  I heard soy is used alot.


My son is into body building and his mentor has advised him to emlinate the protein powders and get it through natural sources.




February 4, 2012
2:15 am
Halifax, UK
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Flavoured stuff is nasty and anything with emulsifier in will almost certainly be soy lecithin. At a push thickened with egg lecithin is better, but ...

Undenatured is the word to look for - this is extracted from raw milk (discarded from the cheese industry) and has a pretty good profile, glutathione boosting and so on.

I don't eat protein powders much, but maybe once every 2-3 weeks on average for some reason or other and I use MyProtein Essential Whey 60.

I like it straight up with water (200ml and one scoop), then a couple of tablespoons of yoghurt and re-shaken. Also, coconut milk instead of water and no yoghurt. A shot of espresso and/optionally, a shot of whisky is really good after a long walk.

In summary, while it is technically processed food, it can be useful. Get the best you can, which in this case means as less processed and with the fewest fake food ingredients. Also, keep in mind that predators need not drink their food.

Living in the Ice Age

February 5, 2012
5:21 pm
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Whey isolate is (mostly) pure protein.

Whey concentrate still contains a meaningful amount of milkfat and milk sugar.

I'm not a fan of casein powders for reasons I've gone into before -- and the fact that you can just eat cheese if you want lots of casein.

The problem isn't soy AFAIK, it's arsenic contamination in a lot of cheap Chinese bulk powder.


April 30, 2012
3:31 pm
Pensacola, Florida
Forum Posts: 13
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Curious to hear your thoughts about the egg protein powders.  There are several on the market that seem to be ok to me with the exception of the whole splenda thing.

April 30, 2012
10:43 pm
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If I want a slow-release protein, I'll just eat eggs, or meat, or whatever.  Whey, for me, is primarily a post-workout measure, where you want the quickest-digesting protein possible (which is whey). Either that, or it's a stopgap measure...and since it takes ~30 minutes to absorb (AFAIK) and the aminos will hang around in the blood for several hours, it can still fill a reasonably large gap if I find such to be necessary.

Unless you need something with no fat, powdered whole eggs will be a lot cheaper, contain many of the nutrients of an actual whole egg, and contain no Splenda or other junk.


May 1, 2012
10:08 am
Pensacola, Florida
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April 26, 2012
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Thanks for the quick response.  Life for me is a bit busy from 0500 to usually 2100 each night between my business, teaching classes each night, running my teenager hither and yon, etc, so I asked about the powder because a smoothie of strawberries, blueberries (they grow about a mile from my house when in season 🙂 ) and some coconut milk is a quick solution for a snack on the go.  I tend to do a smoothie or a small salad during the day and then a larger meal at night so I don't think I am getting anywhere near enough protein.  I would like to add a protein powder to the smoothie to give it more substance. Perhaps that is just my brain saying "I like meat, give me more."


I have used Whey once and got terribly stopped up (gross, I know) so not sure what the deal is with my system. 

May 1, 2012
3:46 pm
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Were you using pure whey protein or a supermarket product with Splenda, sugars, and who knows what else?  Most "whey protein" is full of junk that isn't whey.

If you're mixing it with coconut milk, that'll provide a much longer absorption time.

Also, you might consider bringing some meat with you from home: cut some slices off a roast, season them, and put them in a Takealong.  It won't go bad between leaving the house in the AM and eating lunch...and you can put it in a small cooler if you're concerned.


May 2, 2012
8:52 am
Forum Posts: 35
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Honestly, I kind of came to terms with the sucralose in protein powder and/or BCAAs.


It's not a majority of my diet (protein powder especially) but sometimes to reach your goals you have to give and take. Example: BCAAs are my compromise before "fasted" workouts.


It's three times a week with 99% of my other nutrition coming from real foods. And if I think the gut needs some help, I eat something like fermented dairy (cheese, yogurt, etc) from trusted sources.


I just wouldn't make it your staple - I've done that before in my younger years and you NEVER really feel that full from them unless you're drinking a ton of water.

May 2, 2012
10:47 am
Pensacola, Florida
Forum Posts: 13
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April 26, 2012
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J. Stanton said:

Also, you might consider bringing some meat with you from home: cut some slices off a roast, season them, and put them in a Takealong.  It won't go bad between leaving the house in the AM and eating lunch...and you can put it in a small cooler if you're concerned.


Ha.  That's assuming there is roast left over from the night before.  Not happening at my house with a wife and teen son who are also eating paleo.  Yeah, pretty much resigned myself to carrying a lunch bag with me each day.  That way I know what's in the stuff I'm putting in my face.

May 2, 2012
2:14 pm
Forum Posts: 2045
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To make sure you have leftovers for the next day's lunch, you can sneeze on them in full view of your wife and son before placing them in the fridge.  "Oh, excuse me!"

There is also the more respectful tack of getting a special leftovers container and labeling it "Tomorrow's Lunch - Please Don't Eat"...but that might not work with a growing boy.  You might just have to sneeze on it.


May 2, 2012
2:33 pm
Pensacola, Florida
Forum Posts: 13
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April 26, 2012
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I am whooping with laughter.  JS, I literally, less than 5 minutes ago, in full view of my son, licked a large piece of bison and then placed it in a container for tomorrow's meal.  He had been eyeing it like he was waiting on the old bull to leave the kill so he could snatch it up. 

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