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Skipping Breakfast Question
October 27, 2011
2:10 pm
Forum Posts: 2
Member Since:
October 27, 2011
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Hi JS,

I am doing a speech on trying to persuade my audience to skip beakfast! I read your breakfast myth article and i thought it was SUPER informative, and i am probably going to be using alot of that information in my speech.

However, I have read that breakfast for children is incredibly important, and I have not been able to really find any information on debunking it. Supposedly, studies show that when children eat breakfast they cant concentrate and have other problems. Webmd even says that skipping breakfast for children will produce crazy negative physical effects! I am really skeptical on this.... Does skipping breakfast for children have such different consequences when adults skip breakfast?

I'd also love some input from anyone else who posts on this forum! 

Do you other members skip breakfast? Is this whole issue more about WHAT you eat for breakfast instead of timing?? I find such contradictory information.......

Well, Thanks for your time,


October 27, 2011
10:52 pm
Currently: Northeast US
Forum Posts: 32
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July 8, 2011
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cy335i said:

Do you other members skip breakfast? Is this whole issue more about WHAT you eat for breakfast instead of timing?? I find such contradictory information…….

Well, Thanks for your time,



If I'm hungry when I wake, I eat.  Otherwise, I don't eat until I am hungry – or a bit afterwards, even (sound advice for any time of the day, really).  Typically it takes a bit for my CNS to switch on and for things to get moving, so being truly hungry upon waking is a rare occurrence.

In my experience, the issue is as much about what you take in as it is when.  JS has a damn book's worth of material on this subject on this website.  The depths are as deep as you care to plumb them and matters can be as simple or as complex as you choose to make them.

Of course you find contradictory information.  This is the internet – anyone with a below-average grasp of English can claim to know something and (unfortunately) disseminate that "knowledge" worldwide with the click of a button.  Since most people don't do much of their own research and thus tend to take things at face value, they become confused because the words of the internet "expert" and those of actual researchers and practitioners are written in the same black text on white background with no obvious way to differentiate them.

My best advice: listen to your body, eat when you're hungry (not when you're bored), rest when you're tired, and GO OUTSIDE AND PLAY every chance you get.

In the spirit of the hunt,

October 27, 2011
11:41 pm
Forum Posts: 2045
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February 22, 2010
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The problem with skipping breakfast as a child is that children will most likely become hungry at school -- where, if their school was anything like mine, their choices are soda and candy from vending machines.

When we study "people who skip breakfast", it's important to ask "What are they eating for the rest of the day?"

It is absolutely true that what you eat is far more important than when you eat it.  As I said in Part II of The Breakfast Myth (and everywhere else), meals should always consist of real food - including complete protein, healthy natural saturated fats, and a quantity of glucose appropriate to your level of physical activity.  If your schedule and daily environment are so constrained that you can't eat real food when you do get hungry, and you can't survive until the lunch break (e.g. a young child in school) -- but you're not hungry -- then force down a small but complete, protein and fat-rich breakfast so you don't have to eat junk.


October 28, 2011
9:25 am
Forum Posts: 2
Member Since:
October 27, 2011
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Luminancestry and JS,

Thanks so much for your replies! I think I may have to actually change my persuasion topic to be more centered on the Paleo diet itself. 

You both made it very clear that the timing of your meals is not as important as the QUALITY of your meals.

I am going to have to do more research on this Paleo diet, and if i have any more questions on this topic I will be sure to come here!

Thanks again the help!


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