• Your life and health are your own responsibility.
• Your decisions to act (or not act) based on information or advice anyone provides you—including me—are your own responsibility.


Taking A Week Off, and How Not To Die (Part 1 of many)

As I mentioned at the end of last week’s article, I’m taking a week off to enjoy the summer holidays—and the ridiculous snowpack here in the Sierras, which has allowed me three days of excellent skiing in July.

I’ll be back on my regular weekly schedule next week, but in the meantime, it is important [ . . . ]

Continue reading “Taking A Week Off, and How Not To Die (Part 1 of many)”

The Overachiever's Week Off: Why Bother With Paleo? A Quick Book Review, Food Reward, and More

Well, it finally happened: after almost six months of regular weekly updates, I found myself completely unable to complete another in-depth nutrition post for this Tuesday. Between traveling all week (last week’s post was written on planes), an inopportune redeye flight, and successfully fighting off the resulting sore throat with sleep and real food, I [ . . . ]

Continue reading “The Overachiever’s Week Off: Why Bother With Paleo? A Quick Book Review, Food Reward, and More”

The first round of signed books is on its way.

I would like to extend my special and personal thanks to each of you who have so generously donated to help save the Serengeti through my publisher’s ongoing special offer. We’re proud to add our own donation to yours.

I’ve signed the first round of books and dedicated them to those who requested [ . . . ]

Continue reading “The first round of signed books is on its way.”