• Your life and health are your own responsibility.
• Your decisions to act (or not act) based on information or advice anyone provides you—including me—are your own responsibility.


The Myth that Economic Success Requires Personal Freedom

There is a persistent myth that democracy and personal freedom are necessary to produce economic growth, and that the USA will somehow retain its economic dominance solely because of our relative degree of personal freedom. (This myth is most commonly known as ‘The Power of American Ingenuity.’)

I don’t believe this is the [ . . . ]

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“Walk it off, Sally”: Why Exercise Helps Speed Injury Recovery

Robert H. Demling, MD. The Role of Anabolic Hormones for Wound Healing in Catabolic States. J Burns Wounds. 2005; 4: e2.

“There is a well-recognized interrelationship between hormones, nutrition, and wound healing. The anabolic process of protein synthesis, with new tissue formation, requires the action [ . . . ]

Continue reading ““Walk it off, Sally”: Why Exercise Helps Speed Injury Recovery”

Disturbing Trail Voodoo

I found this by the side of a local trail in the woods:

Yes, that’s a disemboweled Tickle Me Elmo with a noose around its neck.